Banning (or removing) a user from a Campaign

Banning or Removing a User

If there is a user that you would like to remove from committing to your goals, you can ban them directly on the User Management page. 

Banning a user will:

  • End the Commitments that she/he joined from your Campaigns
  • Prevent them from joining your goal setting Campaign(s)

To ban a user from your Campaign(s):

  1. Log into stickK
  2. Head over to your Campaign Administrator dashboard
  3. Go to the User Management tab. Look for the user you’d like to ban from your Campaigns and click on the red 🚫 icon next to their email address on the right hand side of the screen.
  4. Click ‘Confirm’ when the following pop-up appears: “This user will be removed from your Campaign along with all associated Commitments that they have created. Are you sure you want to do this? (Clicking’ Confirm’ will ban the user from all your Campaigns.)

Keep in mind that banning a user will remove him/her from your Campaign(s) and remove all associated Commitments that they created. Users will have to be unbanned (re-invited) in order to create the same Commitment Contract.  


Unbanning or Re-inviting a user

If there is a user that you would like to re-invite to committing to your goals, you can unban them directly on the User Management page. 

Unbanning (or re-inviting) a user will:

  • Issue another invitation to the user to join your Campaign(s)
  • Allow them to create Commitment Contracts that are part of your Campaign(s)

To unban a user from your Campaign(s): 

  1. Log into stickK
  2. To unban a user, head over to your Campaign dashboard
  3. Go to your User Management tab. Look for the user you’d like to unban from your Campaigns and click on the green ‘unlock’🔓 icon next to their email address on the right hand side of the screen. 
  4. Click ‘Confirm’ when the following pop-up appears: "This user is currently banned from your Campaign. Would you like to re-invite [stickK username] to your Campaign? This user will gain access to the Commitments that are part of this Campaign.

Unbanning a user will give the user access to the Campaign(s) that the user was a part of. Commitments the user previously had cannot be restored. The user will have to recreate them if he/she wants to commit again.

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