I can't log in

I forgot my password

Simply click the Forgot Password link on the Login page, provide us with the email address associated with your account, and we'll send you an email to get you back up and running in no time*. 

*If you followed the above instructions to retrieve your password and haven't received an email from us, here are some possible reasons why:

  • Check your email's spam/junk folders
  • Did you misspell your email address when signing up? If so, contact us.
  • Add web@stickK.com to your email's safe senders list
  • Contact your ISP (Internet Service Provider) to make sure they’re not blocking traffic from web@stickK.com
  • Still can't find the email? Contact us and we will help!


I forgot the email address associated with my account

Using a valid email address, please contact us and provide us with as much information as you can remember about your account. We will work with you to refresh your memory and get you into your account in no time.

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