Edit or delete a Commitment

IndividualStickers_Gears.pngCan I edit my Commitment Contract?

There are only some details that you will be able to change after you've created your Commitment Contract. After you have created your Commitment, you will be able to:

  • add a Referee
  • edit your Commitment's privacy settings
  • invite Supporters to follow along.

All other details of your contract cannot be changed.

Please remember that a Commitment Contract is binding and that you must stickK to the goal you set. For this reason, please make sure that you have the ability to fulfill your Commitment before creating it. Contact us directly if an error occurred during the Commitment Creation process and you need to change something.


"That‘s when we realized the obvious; that if you have the ability to renegotiate, it inevitably kills the deal." - Dean, Behavioral Economist & Co-founder of stickK

If you'd like to read more about why a Commitment Contract should not be editable (or 'renegotiated'), check out our founder's story. 

IndividualStickers_X.pngCan I delete my Commitment Contract?

Under normal circumstances, we do not allow users to delete a Commitment Contract once it begins. We make a promise to hold you to your word, and we intend to keep it.


However, if medical or personal reasons, or an extenuating circumstance prevents you from being able to continue with your Commitment Contract, please contact us and we will be happy to help.




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